When the time is right for you to remember a charity in your will, please remember us. By leaving a portion of your estate to Chetham’s, you can light the stage for the young musicians of the future.
A gift in your will can support some of the world’s brightest musical talent, ensuring that training and education comes without financial barriers. Generous donations help our organisation to survive whilst legacy gifts help us to thrive. Chetham’s itself is proof that the impact of gifts in wills can span generations; built on the legacy of Humphrey Chetham who donated the site almost 600 years ago, Chetham’s continues to be a space for sharing creativity and education.
We would not be the organisation we are without the support of legacy giving.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this tradition, please get in touch with our Development Team.
Email: development@chethams.com Tel: 0161 838 7202
Chetham’s is a registered charity and accordingly, all legacies made are exempt from UK Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes.
As your will is one of the most important documents you will ever make, Chetham’s recommends that you consult your legal advisers before drafting a new will, updating an existing one, or making other plans for your estate.
Whilst some people prefer to give anonymously, we hope that you will let us know about your legacy gift so that we can thank you properly.