Support young musicians

Here at Chetham’s, we consider it our mission to educate and nurture young musicians irrespective of background or the ability to pay school fees.

As an independent school, our annual fees range from £26,103 for a day student to £36,768 for international boarders. Whilst funding from the Government’s Music & Dance Scheme (MDS) covers some of the costs of their studies; we currently provide financial support to 90% of all students, and a quarter do not pay any fees at all.

We need your support

Due to the lasting impact of Covid-19 and the rise in cost of living, more of our students than ever require financial aid which makes supporting our Bursary Fund so important. Each year The Chetham’s Foundation provides up to £600,000 towards covering students’ fees, the supply of instruments and a hardship fund. In response to the war in Ukraine we have established a dedicated Ukrainian Bursary Fund, providing financial support for music students from Ukraine to continue their musical education here with us.

A gift to our Bursary Fund will help ensure that we can continue to support our students, nurture their talent and creativity, enhance their development, and grant them skills that will last a lifetime.

I would like to support a young person’s tuition…

By making a one-off donation

By setting up a regular gift

If you would like to discuss your gift further, please do get in touch by contacting

Receiving a bursary to attend Chetham’s was a dream come true – it enabled me to leave my home country and pursue my career goals in a place where there was a lot more opportunity. To this day I can call myself a Chetham’s alumni with pride – none of this would have ever been possible if not for the funding support.” – Alumna

Thank you to all of our current supporters.