Chetham’s School of Music
With approximately 1,000 hours of online music tuition being delivered each week, alongside our academic programme, these remarkable times have opened up new ways of working, performing and learning.
Our pupil admissions team are hard at work, with some adjustments to the usual processes.
I am spending much of my time talking online to new parents and students, worldwide, who are due to join us after Easter or in September.
Regardless of all that is going on in our world at the moment, I can assure all our new students the smoothest of transitions to their new school – be it virtual, or real life!
We are welcoming auditions from prospective students via video, in place of the usual face to face auditions. We hope this makes the process even easier for some of those who wish to apply.
Following auditions, we’ve been making offers of places at Chetham’s to talented young musicians. This is always a special moment: life-changing for students, inspiring and heart-warming for our admissions staff. Covid-19 may temporarily alter our way of life, but the music lives on.
It is so great to hear the obvious excitement and enthusiasm from all our new families as we talk together and I explain just how our school works. They are joining a very special community; the last few weeks have proved this so well.
I remain overwhelmed by the creativity and imagination of Team Chetham’s as we continue our academic studies and make such wonderful music together – albeit at a distance!
I send the warmest wishes to all, stay strong and #BeChets
Alun Jones,
For more information about our admissions process, our prospectus or an application form, see here.